#Tutorial: Run Scripts on Penn's server, but display Spyder on your own computer! ![Demo screenshot](https://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/006tKfTcgy1flevabqykkj31kw0zkqqj.jpg) This Spyder instance actually runs a biglab.seas.upenn.edu. It is "tunneled" to my Macbook, so that I can utilize the computational power of BigLab, the friendly IDE of Spyder, while working away from home in my pajamas on this 37°F cold day! 1. If you are on a Mac, **download and install [XQuartz](https://www.xquartz.org/)**, which enables your Mac to accept remote windows. For other Operating Systems, please see [this](https://www.seas.upenn.edu/cets/answers/x11-forwarding.html). 2. **Add the following lines** to the `~/.zshrc`: ```shell # This line enables you to type "biglab" and connect to biglab.seas.upenn.edu directly: alias biglab="ssh -tY @biglab.seas.upenn.edu 'screen -S foo -rd || screen -S foo zsh'" # This script allows iTerm to accept X11 windows from remote servers. Copied from . DISPLAY="" for x in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do if [ -O /tmp/.X$x-lock ] then DISPLAY=:$x.0 break fi done if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] then echo "$USER has no X11 DISPLAY open" 1>&2 fi export DISPLAY ``` 3. **Start XQuartz**, and set it aside. This will be our "client program" accepting windows running on UPenn's servers. 4. Open a terminal, and **connect to biglab.seas.upenn.edu** by typing `biglab`. 5. When connected, **install Anaconda**: ```Shell wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh ``` 6. When finished, you can **set up virtual environments** by following instructions from Homework 4, Part II, 2.3. 7. With a virtual environment activated or not, you can **start Spyder** now: `spyder`. After a while, you can see a Spyder instance showing up on your desktop. Keep in mind that this is actually running on biglab! ## Known Bugs 1. Tensorflow will always throw an error upon finishing, due to its "unqiue" way of quitting a program. 2. Button symbols are replaced by weird Korean characters, generating lots of `Failed to compute left/right minimum bearings for "FontAwesome"` error from the terminal. Neither of these bugs affect the proper execution of our programs, so I'd let them go for now.